About Us

Our goal is to bring you the newest and latest beauty and health devices from around the world. Our target audience includes both the non-professional home user as well as the professional beautician, clinic or practitioner.


Quality is not just the quality of products - that's shallow thinking - but the quality of service and the quality of the mode of doing business.We are looking forward to cooperating with you and establishing our long-term business relationship.Bring Beauty and Health to your hand! We launch the most fashionable, most trendy and most classic products.We are willing to provide you with the most preferable prices and most complete services,and develop market together with you.All SANWEI  employees are willing to offer you the best services.


We are a professional beauty and health product company which focus on both retailing and wholesaling business since 2010.Our customers are mainly from the worldwide such as USA, Canada and Europe and so on.Besides,we make sure the best beauty & health products are delivered into your hands at the bigest savings.

Contact Us

Room 2304, Ho King Commercial Centre, 2-16 Fa Yuen Street, Mongkok, Kowloon,HongKong,China

Phone : (86) 177 0198 2763
Email: cn1759332020@gmail.com

Our Team


Founder & CEO

Cardigan Breiner

Creative Director

Marilyn hemsworth

Sales Director
